Do you ever feel like there are simply too many options when choosing the right auto insurance policy? What do the all the options mean when signing up for a required automotive policy? American Quality Assurance Group created an easy reference guide to assist you when in deciding on the coverage you need for your vehicle.
The insurance company pays for damage to your automobile that was caused by an event other than a collision, such as vandalism, theft or fire.
The insurance company pays for damage to your automobile when you get into an accident or collide with an object.
The insurance company pays for damage to another person from an accident you caused. This type of coverage is mandatory in all states.
The insurance company protects your from having to pay for an accident caused by a driver that doesn’t have insurance.
The insurance company provides towing, tire changes, jumpstarts, lockout assistance, or gas and oil delivery. This is often called roadside assistance.
American Quality Assurance Group looks forward to speaking with you today regarding you automobile insurance needs or any other insurance questions you may have. Contact us today to get peace of mind coverage!
Phone: 305-273-3377
Fax: 305-273-7339
Address: 10250 SW 56th St. Unit D-102 Miami, FL 33165
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